Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Welcome to my Special Election Blog

Welcome to my blog. This is where you will be able to read about my thoughts and what I have been up to, during the next four weeks of the election campaign. I hope to be able to post something most days so please keep coming back to check.

So at last, after three and a half years of campaigning and working on behalf of the people of mid-Cornwall the election has been called. Now all of the work and planning of the past weeks, months and years comes to a head. During this time I have really appreciated all the support and help I have received from local people. We have built a great team of unpaid volunteers; local people who simply want to see a change in St Austell and Newquay. Without them I would not be able to do what I do and so I wanted to thank them all at the start of this campaign.

At times I have been overwhelmed at the way people in this constituency have responded to help me, there are over 200 people who are helping – delivering leaflets, knocking on doors and talking to residents or stuffing envelopes. I also want to thank the literally hundreds of people who have, very importantly, donated money to the campaign fund. Despite what my opponent keeps saying, over 70% of everything we will spend on my campaign has been raised locally – given by lots of local residents who believe it is time for change. All those helping me fight for this seat (apart from the occasional visiting Shadow Minister) will be people who live here and care about our communities.

As we enter the campaign for real, I want to again state my commitment to fight a positive and honest campaign. I will correct any lies or misinformation put out by my opponents, but other than that I want to simply put forward my case and why I believe a Conservative MP will be the best for St Austell and Newquay.

I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the coming 29 days as we work together to bring about the change this constituency and our nation needs.

1 comment:

  1. There may only be six houses down the road leading to your offices, but there are 5 young children under the age of ten. As it is a private and quiet road, it is possible that these children could be on their bike or playing beside the road. What is your policy on traffic calming measures in private roads? Maybe the people who speed down at ridiculus speeds should receive a caution before they kill my precious toddler daughter. Ah, maybe the problem with whizzing around in a camper van with your name plastered all over it is that you are easily identified! I will stand in the road and stop you next time you do this you wreckless, careless driver.
